Thursday, February 12, 2009


I got the job! They called me this morning! To say I'm excited is an understatement. I know this is an answer to prayer, and I'm so thankful that God would allow me to have this opportunity to meet new moms, support them, and supplement our income at the same time! It won't be official until Feb 25.

And, just in case you're wondering, but mostly to help me keep in the habit of recording my progress, I jogged again today. And took P. Ben's advice and iced my knee afterward...which really helped! I also stretched it a bit after running, which I think helped, too. Thanks for the good advice and encouragement, P. Ben!

And on a personal answer to a comment from a "stalker" on my last post....
Michele...I'll forgive you for stalking! :>) Wow...boot camp, eh? Sounds like fun. Outside motivation is definitely helpful. We'll cheer each other on...over the miles, right? Go Michele!! So glad you like the blanket, it was the least we could do after such generous hospitality! The kids talk fondly of Ian and Emma and our visit with you guys. Love to y'all from all of us!


Mamala said...

Wow! Congratulations, Reena! You will be such a blessing to those new moms. I'm proud of you!

Jacqs said...

I hope it is a wonderful experience! You're such a great mom, teacher, encourager .... you'll be great! Love ya!!