Thursday, March 19, 2009

The whirlwind...

That's what my step-father used to call me when I was a teenager. So busy with school and sports and play rehearsals and youth group, I'd be home just long enough to gulp a meal and hit the bed, then off Id go again. This past week has been a bit of a whirlwind...of babysitting, preschool teaching, phone call making, homeschooling...and very little house cleaning, as would be evident if you were to drop in unexpectedly (which, FYI, is always a day brightener for me!) However, I did manage to get in two work outs so far this week...week 4 on the couch to 5K. I'm a little off schedule because for a couple of weeks I decided to hibernate instead of run, and then I got stuck on week 3 for a while...but I'm back on track now, and jogging 16 minutes out of 20! According to the paper that's about a mile and a half, but my jogging pace is so slow, I'm not so sure. Tuesday was rough, but with some encouragement from an unexpected fellow jogger, I made it through. Today I actually got through 5 minutes of jogging without stopping---twice! (and most of that is mentally telling myself no, you won't die, yes, you can do this). I never regret running, and I'm confident the long term benefits of this regular exercise will be both health to the body and pleasing to my eyes...and my husband's! :>)
Now if I could just schedule in a nice 3 mile walk with a dear, dear friend on my off-jogging days, my exercise routine would be perfect!


Anonymous said...

Maureen that is so amazing! What a great job you are doing!!!

Today Keila and I didn't make a three mile in an hour :(....but I think we filled up that extra length with talking! I hope you can come sometime!

Mamala said...

Reena, I'll do that 3-mile walk with you if we can go really slow and take a nap when it's over. ;0)