Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Negligent tooth fairy

Jon lost a tooth last night. We decided that he should still put it under his pillow, in spite of the fact that the tooth fairy has not come to leave anything under his pillow for any of his other teeth. I was determined that she would not forget this time. But, alas, this morning, the sad routine was repeated:

Jon enters the room excitedly, holding something in his hand. "Mom, guess what the tooth fairy brought me!"....Pause.... "Nothing!" Big grin.

I forgot again! I am the world's worst tooth fairy. But this morning I decided she was just a little late. "Put the tooth back under your pillow, Jon, she's probably just running late."

The tooth fairy brought him a dollar while he was eating breakfast. I only used to get a quarter--but she's probably trying to make up for all those teeth she never came to collect!


Jenn said...

yay!!!!! the tooth fairy mommy finally came... awesome job!!!!

Keila said...

This is just hilarious!

dee said...

Hey Maureen...we definitely have the same fairy because ours always forgets too...she says she got held up or something....yeah right.

Adrienne said...

oh my...thanks for the laugh!! I could picture it all!!