Thursday, March 19, 2009

The whirlwind...

That's what my step-father used to call me when I was a teenager. So busy with school and sports and play rehearsals and youth group, I'd be home just long enough to gulp a meal and hit the bed, then off Id go again. This past week has been a bit of a whirlwind...of babysitting, preschool teaching, phone call making, homeschooling...and very little house cleaning, as would be evident if you were to drop in unexpectedly (which, FYI, is always a day brightener for me!) However, I did manage to get in two work outs so far this week...week 4 on the couch to 5K. I'm a little off schedule because for a couple of weeks I decided to hibernate instead of run, and then I got stuck on week 3 for a while...but I'm back on track now, and jogging 16 minutes out of 20! According to the paper that's about a mile and a half, but my jogging pace is so slow, I'm not so sure. Tuesday was rough, but with some encouragement from an unexpected fellow jogger, I made it through. Today I actually got through 5 minutes of jogging without stopping---twice! (and most of that is mentally telling myself no, you won't die, yes, you can do this). I never regret running, and I'm confident the long term benefits of this regular exercise will be both health to the body and pleasing to my eyes...and my husband's! :>)
Now if I could just schedule in a nice 3 mile walk with a dear, dear friend on my off-jogging days, my exercise routine would be perfect!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Boy vs Tractor

On Sunday afternoon, Daniel was riding on the back of the tractor, and his foot slipped and was twisted by the wheel. One trip to the emergency room later, with a Dr. appointment today to follow up and ....

Daniel is sportin' some new footwear....

Stylish, no?

Not broken, (they think, though after round 2 of x-rays there was a questionable spot) just badly sprained. So, for 3 weeks he will wear "the boot". No one can say my life is boring.....


Monday, March 9, 2009


The cobwebs run rampant in my house. I just don't see them. But they drive Ken crazy, and he will point them out when they get to be too much. Which makes me feel defensive, but I'm learning that he's just making an observation, not questioning my ability to manage the household. So the other day, I got out the vaccum, and started sucking up those webs. I was shocked and embarassed to finally notice these huge, sticky, dust-covered spider webs that have been hanging in full did I not see them? (Did you see them?) And as I vaccumed I mused about how like life these cobwebs can be:

1) Sometimes things pile up, unnoticed, until they are unsightly and overwhelming
2) Sometimes we need someone else to point out the obvious (which may or may not be obvious to us!)
3) Sometimes we need to embrace the truth, and ignore the emotion (yes, in fact, there are cobwebs hanging from every corner in every room of my house. Yes, in fact, I did not see them. However, though I feel like a failure, I am not, in fact, a failure.)
4) Sometimes cleaning up the "cobwebs" is the most satisfying, productive thing to do with your day.

Having finished going through room by room, and feeling a delightful sense of accomplishment, I unplugged the vaccum and began putting it away. And then I saw it. Another cobweb. And the final life lesson came to me in a flash...

5) Sometimes you need to let things go. Yes, it matters that there is a "cobweb" there. But I need to let it go right now and work on the next thing for a while.

And I put the vaccum away.

(Don't worry, I'll catch it the next time Ken has had enough of the cobwebs!)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Love my job

So, it's been one pay period since I began my new job, and I love it. I feel really good about supporting women in their decision to breastfeed, and I really like the women I work with. My hours are totally flexible, and chosen by me. Most of my work is done from home, with minimal need to be away from the kids. And today my boss told me I could bring the kids with me to the office from time to time if I'd like. (She likes to dote on them!) It is such a family friendly place to work. And next week I will get my first paycheck in many years. How exciting is that?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Household help

I just love all the help I get around the house...While I vaccumed the kitchen this morning, Matthew did some disinfecting for me in the basement...with Lysol spray....and he did a REALLY good job!