Sunday, November 13, 2011

What's your song?

I think God fills each of us with a soul song as He knits us in the womb. It's like the murmurations of the starlets, the crackle of water on rocks at low tide, the way the colors of autumn flash all aflame at sunrise. It's a song of praise from created to Creator which can only be heard when we are completely ourselves....being who God made us to be. Some may use voices, but many others sing in a different way.
Some use their feet as they go...
Some use wood and metal as they build...
Some use their minds or their words or their bodies...

And some use sticks...

Ken came home with this huge metal tank, and it didn't take long for the drummers in this house to figure out what it's real use was..

Sometimes, when I listen close with ears not made of flesh, I can hear the song of the people around me..the soul song that fills my heart and calls to me to sing, too.

When we, His creations, are as The Creator intended, it's like a love song to Him.

All of us, singing together, our lives set apart for Him.


Cassandra said...

Goodness gracious, I love this so much. Don't you dare stop. (hugging my dear friend)

Jenn said...


Bekah said...

Love it!

Andrea said...

Just catching up on your blog... :) LOVE this!