Tuesday, January 15, 2008

a peek behind as I move ahead

I was reminded today that there are women that are right now walking on a portion of road I walked yesterday. Somehow, in my self-centered thoughts, I had pictured myself walking behind everyone, and had forgotten that there are many who follow in my footsteps, so to speak. Women who will face the same potholes and forks in the road. Women having trouble reading the road signs, or who are just too weary to keep walking. Women who need a hand to pull them out of the ditch, or need a voice to follow through the fog. Women who just need to know they're on the right road and they're doing a good job. Just like I did, when I was on that stretch of road. I'm convinced that one of the ways God makes all things work for good is to allow those who have experienced pain to share words of hope with those who are experiencing pain. Your pain in my heart = compassion. ( Pastor Charlie Sweet.) As I continue to walk, I'm going to be peeking over my shoulder, more aware of those who could benefit from a word of encouragement, or a helping hand, or a light to see by. And, if you happen to be up ahead of me, I'll be grateful for a bit of the same.


Anonymous said...

Beautifuly written....beautiful thoughts.......peace...corrie

Keila said...

Such refreshing truth! We are not alone, we don't have to be. There will always be one of us ahead to pull us through. There will always be one of us behind to give us a reason to think beyond ourselves. What a wonderful Christian journey. Thanks for the reminder! Love you!

P. S. By the way, I tagged you. Check out my blog for the rules of the game.