Monday, August 2, 2010

Somehow it's been a week since I last sat to write. Time flies and yet stands still for me. My day flurries by and the sun goes down and I realize I never did make it outside to smell the fresh cut grass, or watch the hawk that flies overhead, crying for some unseen companion. And yet, there are things like diapers and sleepless nights and laundry piles and meals to be cooked...endless work that's never done even though I may be "done" and it all seems to be going so slowly. But today, as I sat and nursed Little B, a delicious breeze of summer drifted in through the window beside me, and I looked out to see the most beautiful green field and barn and thought, "My life is perfect." And I know you know it's really not. But for that moment, with babe in arms, smell of summer drifting really was.

So I'm thankful today for

*a new co-worker to brainstorm with

*26 chickens in my freezer

*Delicious summer breezes

*6 blessings

*a football league for two rough and tumble young men

*the coaches who spend so much time teaching them how to be rough and tumble the safe way!

And that's all...for now.

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

A contented "bubble" of joy. Loved it. thanks for sharing!