Friday, April 8, 2011

Outside play

An afternoon with the neighbors, whose pictures we post only in our hearts,
included sandbox, swings, and rides in the wagon. I'm kind of embarrassed by how dirty Sarah's coat is, but I haven't had time to wash it since her excursion to the barn and the great "oil incident."

Was it fun? Her face says it all.
We're enjoying the great outdoors, now that spring is finally here.
Playing wiffle ball....err...I mean using wiffle bats as swords...Sarah knows when it's time to move out of the way!
Andrew shows restraint, like a good big brother...


They had fun, in spite of the welts--or maybe, because of them? I'm convinced young men need a dose of pain every day.

Discovering the paparazzi, Andrew turned on the camera man, I mean, mom.

the end

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

You are one smart lady :) and it's a good thing you *get* boys, because you got 4 rough and tumbles! Love you guys!