Tuesday, October 18, 2011


For days they worked together under falling foliage and gray October skies.

So close in age, they are each other's best friends and worst enemies, depending on the mood and situation. And for four glorious days, they were best friends. Tirelessly they planned and pushed and pulled and lifted, working, this team of two. They solved problems and shared ideas, and reluctantly took a break when the day was done, only after promises had been made that they could get back to it first thing in the morning.

Then, finally...

The Fort.

And then they played. All day. For days on end. They built it together, and neither wanted to be there without the other. It was a shared ownership. They bonded while building and then shared the fruit of their labor.

It has me thinking about "community". How building something with someone ties a bond, builds a bridge....Connects people. And people connecting with people is what community is all about. There are verses in the Bible about how two people are better than one, that a cord of three is not easily broken, about how God can't help but bless a place where unity dwells. When we work together for a common purpose, it ties us together, makes us stronger, brings a blessing. And I think the key is a shared ownership in the thing being built. When we own the vision, enthusiasm is natural. No kick in the pants needed.
Our town is rebuilding after an historic flood at the end of August decimated 80% of the village of Schoharie. People are coming together, volunteering their time and energies, and our town is stronger because of a shared ownership of vision and purpose--restoration of homes and businesses and helping people get back on their feet. It's almost 2 months later, and enthusiasm to help is growing.


There is also a Kingdom that needs building. But it's not made of wood and stone. It's made of people. Flawed people, messy people, hurting people, just-like-me people who all need Jesus as much as I do. The tools we use are not hammers and and saws, but grace and love.
And while we're working side by side, day after day, we can build one another up and share one another's burdens. Neither will want to be there without the other. We'll share ownership, bond while building, and enjoy the fruits of our labors-connections with people, connection with God.

That, dear friends, sounds like community.

Aren't they cute?

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

All great illustrations and good points to think upon Maureen. I love this part of the Lord's heart that is so evident in you. You help me see.