Monday, January 12, 2009

All work and no play makes Mama a dull Mama

This is a most challenging season of life for me. There's just no getting around that fact. The need for me to be diligent with discipline and housework and schoolwork is at a crescendo right now. I'm reminded of a poem dear Oma wrote about the pull on a mother in so many directions that little seems to be left of herself at the end of the day. I can relate. And I have to fight the "I wish" syndrome. The "if only" syndrome. To be content in all things, in every circumstance, is a worthy goal I am working toward. And I find myself there these days, content to face a new day of discipline, and housework and schoolwork. And allowing myself some creature comforts along the way....some time in the Word, a cup of hot cocoa, a chapter in the latest book on my nighttable, time to write a few thoughts on my blog, a phone call, a visit, time outside with the kids, a sit in a comfy chair to watch the snowflakes fall. Sometimes it's 5 minutes, and other times a bit longer, but these are the things that help me enjoy the day. Like the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
And Mama a dull Mama.

Excuse me, my 5 minutes are up and back to discipline I must go!


Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen. I completely agree. May your days have lots of refreshing moments!

The Baxxterr Gallery said...

I just watched The Incredibles and JUST realized how fitting each of their powers was...the black haired girl who was always depressed who could "disappear," the little blonde (5 yr. old?)boy who could move/run super fast, and the mom...Elasti-girl...who had the powers to STRETCH like no one else...your mention of Oma's poem made me think of this...particularly the mom. Have fun being Elasti-girl :)