Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More blessed to give

I realized today that my oldest has grasped a concept that will bring him true joy in life. He is determined to give me a Christmas gift this year, and has already shopped for his siblings and Papa. I have tried to convince him that he does not need to buy us anything, but he explained that it feels selfish to receive gifts and not give them. He's so excited about the reaction his family will have upon receiving each present, purchased with his own hard earned money and careful consideration of what each would want the most. I am tempted to be more forceful in my encouragement to save his money, but to what end? He is experiencing the joy of giving, and discovering the truth of God's word that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Speaking of giving and receiving, have you ever thought about the fact that a giver can't give if the receiver won't receive? I must admit, I have a hard time receiving at times. I think it's pride, actually. But I'm choosing to be a better receiver these days. Who am I to stand in the way of a giver's blessing?


Anonymous said...

Oh Maureen, you are an incredible example of a giver. I am certain you are reaping in your big boy what you and Ken have sown. I am so thankful for your family.

Keila said...

So, so true! We shouldn´t try to steal a giver´s blessing when they try to give to us. And it would only be so fitting that giving not only is, but feels so good... have you considered how we can never out-give God??? Lots and lots of peace to your heart... as the song goes... "as I wait, you make me strong" You don´t have to be... He´ll do it for you!

Anonymous said...

Stop blogging about me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Maureen....Andrew is doing what he has seen his parents do his whole life!!....I pray that God would bless you and Ken to are the most giving you...corrie