Thursday, December 6, 2007

I am contagious

Every day a strange and wonderful phenomenon is happening to us, through us and all around us. We are spreading germs wherever we go. Granted, these are the thoughts of a sleep deprived mom who is on the tail end of a cold germ's trail of havoc...but I'm thinking it's more than cold and flu germs we're spreading.
Take Dee for instance. She has spread the Cozy germ. Or maybe a better way to say it is she has helped germinate homemaking creativity in those of us whose decorating seeds lay dormant. Everyone who is inspired to make snowflakes after seeing her pretty ceiling bedecked with the beauties say, "Aye!" along with me.
Take Keila for instance. She has spread the Faith germ. She is helping to germinate the faith seeds that lay dormant in the rest of us. Everyone who is inspired to let your faith speak to your circumstances instead of letting your circumstances speak to your faith after reading her blog say "Aye" along with me.
Take Jenn for instance. She has spread the You Can Do It germ. She has helped to germinate a sense of daring and confidence in the lives of those who thought they could never act in a play. Everyone who is inspired to be part of something they've never done before after speaking to Jenn say "Aye" along with HUSBAND...who is in this year's Christmas play because of her encouragement.
And the list goes on. My husband helps germinate generosity, my Pastor helps germinate the Word of God, my in-laws help germinate a sense of belonging, my mom helps germinate perseverance....
And these are just the good things we help to spread, develop and grow.

There are other, less beautiful germs I have spread, or have been the unfortunate recipient of. Doubt, criticism, complaining, rebellion...But we shall focus on what's good and noble and lovely, methinks.
"When Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" Doubtless you've heard that saying before. It's true in my house. I can set the mood as quickly as I can smile or laugh...or yell or grumble.

I am contagious...but I'll try to spread only the germs that don't make you sneeze!


Paige said...

Good stuff here, Maureen. Thanks for germinating in my direction. ;)

Anonymous said...

maureen i need for you to sneeze your generosity at me you are a giving , thoughtful,kind ,take on challenges that no one else will do. You step up to the plate when no one are a great encouragement to all those mom's who think they can't go on with schooling of even mothering. I love you and would never change you one bit.

Anonymous said...

I must ditto Paige and Jenn. I also think it's really nice for you to say I inspire "cozy." Thank you Maureen.