Saturday, August 23, 2008

18 years and counting

To celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary, Ken took me to Historic Deerfield in Massachusettes. We celebrated a little early so that we could leave the kids with Oma and Grandpa, since they will be returning to NM before our actual anniversary in September. It was the perfect place to go for many reasons. It was quiet and peaceful, close to home, and Ken could do some research for the restoration project he's working on as the town is full of 18th and 19th century homes that have been restored.

We stayed overnight at the Deerfield Inn.. (apologies for the picture quality, they were taken with my cell phone...)

in a beautifully furnished room that made us feel like we had stepped back into the mid 1800's.

The people there were extremely nice, and the sitting areas were truly lovely...

We spent a day and a half enjoying each other's company and the gorgeous weather, having uninterrupted conversations (!), and touring the restored homes along the mile long block. The stories of the homes we visited were fascinating. Ken even talked with a fellow contractor who was working on the tavern home and got to peek at the construction going on there.

It was a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively.
This trip marks the end of summer vacation for me. On Monday I plan on jumping into the school year. Just writing those words gives me butterflies...I am grateful for these last few months of visiting family, special occasions, trips away from home...and now it is time to get back to some routine...which is different, but also good.


Keila said...

Early congratulations! We thought of you and were glad for you on Thursday as we knew you were going to be away. Don't worry about not having able to plan a dinner, life has been crazy busy on this end as well! Love you and so happy you got to enjoy a day with your man!

Jenn said...

MOe and I am so glad that you go to go... how refreshing to get to spend time with the man you love.... blessings

Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful Maureen. How very very special to take time with Kenny. Heartfelt happiness for you two,