Friday, August 15, 2008

Many hands make light work..

So, in my quest to make use of the endless zuchini and squash that is multiplying in my garden, I was (again) baking zuchini muffins this morning. I put Matthew on the counter next to the mixing bowl, which seemed a better option than trying to move through the kitchen with a crying toddler stuck to my legs. He helped stir the batter, and was so happy to be helping. I turned my back to instruct the other children who were chopping nuts for me with my P***pered Ch*f chopper, and when I looked back, Matthew had dumped a half of a box of baking soda into the batter! And had started to stir! Thankfully, Andrew and I were able to scoop most of it out...but Emma's muffin had a bad after taste so I don't think we got it all. Oh well. He also managed to throw in the little container of cloves and a wooden spoon while my back was turned...and who knows what else, that's all I actually found.

Anybody want a muffin?


Cassandra said...

Oh Maureen! I've had so many near misses. They love to "help" don't they??

Keila said...

I´ll pass on this batch of muffins but would be willing to help you use up your ever growing harvest. And I can relate... Adriana happens to love helping with anything related to eggs, so I´ve already had to wipe raw egg off of too many surfaces to tell!

Jacqs said...

I want a muffin! Wishing I could show up on your doorstep this week and eat a few ... I wish I could work out a way, but I don't think this trip will work out that way. :-(