Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Turning over a new leaf...

This summer I've been doing alot of thinking and praying about the coming school year. Homeschooling a 9th grader, 4th grader, and 2cd grader while caring for a preschooler and toddler seems a daunting task which will only be possible if I try to keep to a fairly strict schedule. I've been reading Teri Maxwell's book Managers of Their Homes and it's been very helpful to me as I think about structuring my days. One of the things she stresses in there is the need to have a consistent quiet time to pray and read your Bible. It's one of those things I've heard and read so many times--to the point of feeling annoyed when I read it again. I have struggled to have a consistent quiet time for many years but it has seemed impossible to do with young children and babies who are up many times a night and awake early in the morning. I am not a morning person, and getting up early is very hard for me...but as I put together my schedule I could see that early in the morning was the only time I would be able to consistently set aside time to read and pray. So, for the last few weeks I have been turning off my alarm at 5:50 am (yes, I can hear you early risers chuckling at've probably aready had your coffee and done some laundry by then....), and I get dressed and go for a walk with our dog, Sassy. And while I walk I pray, and think, and listen. It's lovely. The air is cool, the sun is rising, the birds are singing...though there have been mornings I have walked in the rain, and that was ok, too. To think I've been sleeping this time away for so many years, what a shame! I feel physically stronger, closer to the Lord, and I've come to look forward to my walks. Some days it's hard for me to pull myself out of bed, but I'm always glad I did.


Anonymous said...

Can I "talk" to you in the comments? :)(since our IRL conversations don't seem to finish!) I have been thinking and praying about personal goals for myself and for the kids, who we are and where we are going. It makes all the moments of my day have a meaning and direction. Not that I'm scheduling all the minutes, but if I'm not careful, my time and the kids' time, can be put to a purpose that really isn't taking us anywhere. Ugh. Don't know if I'm getting this out right.?! Our days are a gift. I want to use them well. I applaud you. You are gaining ground!

Jacqs said...

You have always been a pioneer to me. Leading a way and making it seem doable.

You're courageous for taking on the mornings so early! It's something only a minority of people do.