Friday, August 1, 2008

The wisdom of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

Mrs. Piggle- Wiggle is a book I'm reading to Emma. It's quite humorous and I highly recommend it to anyone with a child between the ages of 5-10. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is a woman in a neighborhood who loves to have children over and helps the parents cure things such as answer-backism and fighter-quarellers syndrome. In this excerpt, Mrs. Thompson has called Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for some help in curing selfishness in her little boy, whose name is Dick. The conversation goes like this:
"Hello Mrs. Thompson, I have rather expected you to call."
Mrs. Thompson said, "You have? Why?"
"Because I know Dick very well," said Mrs. Piggle- Wiggle, " and although he is a dear little boy and the most well-mannered child who comes to visit me, never once forgetting to say Thank You and Please, he is very selfish."
"Oh, I know he is. I know he is," said Mrs. Thompson, almost crying because she was so ashamed that Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle should know how selfish Dick was.
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle said, "Now Mrs. Thompson, do not feel sad. Selfishness and greediness are just diseases like measles and chickenpox and can be cured very easily but we must start now, before another day passes, because Dick is such a nice little boy and we want everyone to like him as we do."
"Oh, do you like him, in spite of his selfishness?" asked Dick's mother.
"Of course I do," said Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. "I love all children...."
I love how the good in the boy is not overshadowed by the flaw.
I love how the flaw does not define the child.
I love how she wants to protect the child from the criticism of others.
I love how she loves the child in spite of the flaw.
I believe this is an example of hating the sin, but loving the sinner. Which we usually equate to loving an unbeliever. But all of us fall short. There is none perfect. I need this kind of love, and so do you. Our kids need this kind of love. Our spouses need this kind of love. Our leaders and our parents and our neighbors and our grandkids need this kind of love.
You're a wise woman, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.


Anonymous said...

I am frequently warmed and instructed when I find those great children's books that help both my little guys and me. Berenstein Bears books are a little like that for me. We have never read Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, but it sounds like there are good lessons in there! She sounds like a person I'd like to have rub off on me...even if she is in a storybook :)

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by your blog to say "hi." Again when I read this I most certainly have a lot tolearn from Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. ~Love you