Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Every once in a while I'll have a day, or an afternoon, or an hour, or 5 minutes :>) when things line up and pieces fall into place and all seems right in the world. Yesterday afternoon was just such a time. It started when the little girl next door came to play with Emma. I used to worry about the influence she might have on my little ones, but yesterday I realized our influence on her was what was important, and I have a unique opportunity to help shape her worldview in a way that she may or may not get at home. There was a time, when she first started visiting us, when she would run away from the baby--Daniel at the time--and make comments about how yucky babies were. But yesterday, there she was, asking me for a paper towel and tenderly wiping the yogurt off of Matthew's face. I know that her ability to appreciate the value of a little one was formed in part because of the value she has seen my children place on the little ones in their lives. As I started making stew for dinner, the girls and Daniel asked to help. Potatoes were peeled, and brownies were made, all by little hands eager to be busy and do their part. Was dinner put on the table by the usual time? No. When allowing little hands to help chores seem to get done a bit more slowly, but with beautiful music playing in the background, yummy smells of beef stew and chocolate in the air, and cooperative children, who minds an extra half hour added to the preparation time? I wish I could say these kinds of afternoons were the rule and not the exception. I know so much of it is determined by my own state of mind, my own level of peace. Did the cooperation of the children affect my peace, or did my peace affect the cooperation of the children? I believe it is the latter, in large degree. Choosing to welcome a little girl into my home, choosing to allow my little ones to work with me in the kitchen, choosing to create a warm, yummy smelling, beautiful sounding environment in my home. When my choices get lined up with God's heart...it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.


Mamala said...

Oh, that makes me want to put on a cardigan and say "Welcome, neighbor" in a soft voice with a big smile. I miss Mr. Rogers. But you are taking over for him beautifully!

Anonymous said...

Maureen, you are such a nice person. I love you.