Friday, May 2, 2008


That's Daniel's nickname. He's almost 4. I can't believe it. This year has been full of huge leaps in communication, toileting, and physical abilities.

He can talk!
He writes his name!
He's mostly independent in the bathroom!
He does flips on the trampoline!


Last night, as he came to a skidding stop in front of me, breathless and with face flushed with the thrill of the ride, he told me he had flames shooting from the back of his bike because he was going so fast! He said he's a "speed rider" like the big boys! He's right- Andrew learned at 3, Jon learned at 3, and now my Daniel. He's walking a bit taller these last few days. He's got good reason to feel proud!


Anonymous said...

That is very cool! (and funny :)

Keila said...

Wow!! That is impressive!!! He is turning into quite the little man! To think that we have only made the decision to find a three wheeler or at least a little bicycle with training wheels for Elena!!!