Thursday, September 11, 2008

Soup for lunch

I made beef vegatable soup for lunch today, and it was really quick and easy after spending a little extra time yesterday during my dinner prep. Last night's dinner was short rib meat in the crock pot with onions, garlic and spices. I used the bones which I cut off the meat to make a beef broth. So, while I was preparing dinner last night, I put a pot of water on to boil with the bones that I otherwise would have thrown out. Today, after I skimmed the hardened fat off the broth, I added the leftover meat from last night, some soup green (see below), and leftover egg noodles from last night. I brought it to a boil and let it simmer for a while and voila! Delicious, nutritious beef vegetable soup for lunch!

Soup green is something Oma has used forever in her cooking. She has always generously shared her supply with me, but this summer I finally made some of my own. Using the food processor that Oma let me borrow, I shred carrots, onion, red, yellow and green peppers, and celery, one at a time. The mix is up to your taste, but Oma's suggestion was not too much celery, because it "takes over!" Mix in some salt and that's it. It's an easy way to add nutrition and flavor to spaghetti sauce, soups, taco meat, rice...almost anything. It freezes well, so you can make a big batch at once...which is good because it's messy shredding up all those veggies so I wouldn't want to do it every week. I froze it in quart containers and I keep one in the fridge. No worries about spoilage because of the salt, and I use it within a week or two.

Yum! Besides, I have to try to find a way to feed 5 children without burning through the bread a loaf a day! Now that I bake, I'm infinitely more aware of how much bread we eat! :>)


Jenn said...

sounds yummy... and I will have to defiantly make some greens

Mamala said...

Did you know, pureeing veggies to hide in other foods was "invented" just last year -- Oprah said so! Yep, two cookbooks all about it, best sellers. I guess they heard about it from Oma. Is there anything she doesn't know how to do? (Answer: no.) xoxo

Jenn said...

Moe.... this is very off topic...I am going to be baby sitting a 1 yr old M-F and I am inviting mom's with little ones to come over on Wednesday from 8am - 10am so that we mom's with littles can fellowship and let the kids play..... So I hope to see ya there ...oh it's at my house.....If you know any one who would like to come please invite them..... BLessings... Jenn

Keila said...

The next little cooking project on my list is that soup green you've been talking about!