Friday, September 19, 2008

Talk to the animals, part II

So, Ken came home last night with his own bizarre animal story. He was on the scaffold at the job, thinking and working, and a bird landed about 3 feet away and started chirping at him. Not in the angry way of a mama bird protecting her nest, but in the conversational way that a bird might talk to another bird. Then she flew away. Now that would be unremarkable, I suppose, except it happened again a little later in the day in a totally different spot. Ken was leaning up against the truck, talking to the homeowners, and a bird (he thinks it was a different one) landed within arms reach on the rack behind his tool box, and started chirping at him in that same conversational tone! In light of my own bizarre animal experience, we thought that was pretty hysterical....and it has confirmed what I've suspected all along...

You see, if I'm Snow White (see comments on the last blog...) then

Ken really is Prince Charming! And I bet you didn't know he was related to the Cat in the Hat, did you? It's a fairytale life we lead...


Keila said...

Actually, I'd begin worrying if my family line goes anywhere near Noah! Next thing you know, you'll be sheltering all sorts of little creatures! he,he,he!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! If Kenny's hair starts turning gray, and he grows a long gray beard, I'm heading to your place looking for that ark he must be hiding!

Mamala said...

One a prince and one a naughty cat? Way to go in escalating the sibling rivalry! ;0)