Fun with cousins
Kid friendly nativity sets for little hands and active minds...
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we went...
to connect with family and enjoy a short winter's nap!
What's working: Still love walking early in the a.m. I usually am able to do it 6 days a week, and I recently discovered that what I thought was 1 mile of walking was actually close to 2! I couldn't understand why it was taking me so long to walk a mile! I know I'm not physically fit, but.....
What's not: Staying up late and trying to get up early in the morning. I'm trying to fit in some chores and relaxation time after the kids go to bed, but it's taking a bite out of the sleep I think my body needs, and I'm sleepy around 1pm. I know I need to go to bed earlier, but I so enjoy that time in the evening when the house is quiet...
#6 Find not fault with any thing that is given thee.
(I guess mine are not the first to complain about what's on the dinner table, eh?)
#14. Make not a noise with thy tongue, mouth, lips, or breath, either in eating or drinking.
(One of Ken's biggest pet peeves!)
#22 Stuff not thy mouth so as to foll thy Cheeks; be content with smaller Mouthfuls.
(Need I comment?)
#25 Smell not to thy Meat, nor move it to thy Nose; turn it not the other side upward to view it upon the Plate.
(Funny story--I used to babysit from time to time for a little boy who could tell food was different from his mom's brand just by smelling it. I am not exaggerating--I served Tuna one day-he immediately knew it was different. Spaghetti sauce, same thing. He would bring the food to his nose and sniff. If that didn't send up any red flags, and it almost always did, he would put a little on his tongue. That was usually the end of the meal for him!)--
Thanks, Dad and Judi!
and after....
Last night, as he came to a skidding stop in front of me, breathless and with face flushed with the thrill of the ride, he told me he had flames shooting from the back of his bike because he was going so fast! He said he's a "speed rider" like the big boys! He's right- Andrew learned at 3, Jon learned at 3, and now my Daniel. He's walking a bit taller these last few days. He's got good reason to feel proud!
And just because they're beautiful...
Andrew is our resident photographer. Whether it's capturing the beauty of people or nature-he loves finding just the right way to portray God's creation.